Saturday evening we were blessed with an unexpected snow storm. Flurries were predicted through out the day, but I'm not sure anyone expected anything to actually STICK! I don't know exactly how much snow our area got, but I'm guessing it was between 2-3 inches.
It was the PERFECT amount of snow for us southern folks who VERY RARELY get to see the white fluff;)
First thing Sunday morning, the kids were BEGGING to go outside.
Church was postponed for the day, so we dug our snow gear out of the attic, layered up the best we could, and headed out to play! 

We went up to the boys school where there is an AWESOME hill that's PERFECT for sledding!
Several of our friends and neighbors we already there, and everyone had a blast sledding together!
I can't even begin to count how many times the kids went down (and then back up) the hill.
The fun was endless!!!
Finally, after a few hours had passed, and I could no longer feel my toes any longer,
we headed back home.
The big boys weren't quite ready to head inside yet, so they spent the rest of the morning in the front yard building a Frosty with their friends.
That night, after we were dry, warm, and well- rested, we headed over to my parents house for a little birthday celebration. My sister, B and I have birthdays that fall within a few weeks of each other, so my mom usually does one birthday dinner for both of us. It was a great night with my family and we FINALLY had the opportunity to meet my sister, KK's, boyfriend. They've been dating for a while now, but Shane and I hadn't met him yet. He's a true gentlemen and I hope and pray our crew didn't scare him too much;)
What a FUN and (somewhat) unexpected way to spend the day!
And now that we've officially seen and experienced snow, I can wholeheartedly say
"Bring on SPRING!!!!"