Monday, October 15, 2012

FALLing behind

I've fallin' a little behind in my blogging the past week or so. We've been quite busy lately and I just haven't had time to sit down at the computer, edit pictures, or write any new blog posts. I've been working on several sewing projects too which has been fun, but sewing takes up my "bloggin' time" HA;)
So since I'm a wee bit behind here lately, this post is going to be a bullet point type/catch up post.
It's sure to be short and sweet!

Here's just a little peak at our October...
We've enjoyed lots and lots of soccer and football
And lots and lots of cheering from the sidelines;)
We've had picnics at the park
And fun play dates with cousins!
We've climbed rock walls
And explored fun places.
We've attended weddings 
Gone to birthday parties
And had fun baking festive foods in the kitchen!!
For on the links below:
Owl cupcakes 
Pumpkin Patch Puffs
Pumpkin Pancakes

All in all it's been a GREAT October so far and the FUN is just beginning.
The rest of the month is slammed packed with more birthdays to celebrate, pumpkin carvings to attend, and costume parties to dress up for!
This is such a fabulous time of year!
I just HEART F-A-L-L!!!!!


Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Wow. Looks like you've been way busy...that explains it. :) Love the fun treats you've made, always wanted to make those cupcakes. xo

Sarah said...

sweet faces - happy smiles - fun memories - friends and family. what more could you ask for?!

Anonymous said...

jenny thank you so much for linking to my blog! and for that, it's introduced me to yours as a new reader :)

Melanie said...

Whew, I'm tired just reading & looking at ALL of the adorable photos, but I heartily agree, FALL is the best! Looks like you guys have made the most of every minute! (Love that pretty knot dress your girls are wearing in the soccer/football photos!)