This week, so far, had been a pretty typical week for our family. I thought I would just blog about a few highlights...
Monday... Shane had the day off because it was Presidents Day, so he and Corban went golfing. This was Corban's first time golfing and he loved it!!!
Wednesday... Gopher Buddy night! We have dinner at church and then Corban gets to go to Gopher Buddies while Shane and I attend our class. Corban LOVES his teachers Ms. Sandy and Mr. John. They are a sweet older couple at our church and they truly love the kids. They always greet Corban with such enthusiasm! Riley goes to his class too, but he doesn't love it so much!!! If you know Riley, you know what I mean. Riley is a mama's boy all the way!!!! He has a very hard time with separation!!!!! Anyway...
Thursday... Library story time with the boys and then out to lunch with friends!
Saturday... Shane has his individual interview scheduled in the morning for the homestudy. We also have our fingerprints appointment later on that afternoon. YEAH!!!!
We have friends coming over for dinner later on that evening! Busy day!
Add laundry, cleaning house, errands, cooking, schooling, and church work in there and you have a normal week for our family!
Hope your week is going well!!!