We've enjoyed such a wonderful Valentine weekend! February 14th is also my birthday, so that kind-of makes this day doubly sweet!
The kids have been so precious and have showered my with lots of birthday wishes, hugs and sweet kisses all day long!
Friday night, Shane and I were able to score a DATE NIGHT!!! My parents kept the kiddo's while we enjoyed a nice dinner out! After dinner, we headed over to a local pottery place to try our hand at their new glass fusing. We had a ton of fun being creative, while working on a serving platter together. I can't wait to pick it up in a few days and see how it turned out!
Saturday, we did a little park hopping and spent lots of time outside.
And since it was Valentine's day, we snacked on the heart cookies Mimi made for us, while playing on the playground!
I seriously don't think there's a sweeter way to spend my birthday than outside with these guys!
They make my face smile and my heart melt.
Saturday night, we enjoyed our traditional Valentines Day dinner.
The kids had a blast creating their own heart shaped pizza's

and adding their own personal variation of toppings.
Hudson isn't a huge fan of the crust, so he decided to put his toppings on the edges ONLY,
"So it would taste better."!
I think he may be on to something;)
Growing boys sure can EAT!
I seriously think this boy has hollow legs;)
After dinner, we had fun playing a few Valentine themed "minute to win it" games!
Shane totally beat me in the conversation heart stacking game.
And check out that sweet cutie patootie cheesing it up in between us. Sigh...I melt!
For dessert, we pulled out our chocolate fountain and enjoyed some delicious fondue!
Yup...hollow legs, for sure;)
My sweet Sophie girl LOVES her some chocolate!

And how sweet is this?!? ALL this beautiful artwork was made especially for ME, by my sweet kiddo's, for my birthday. It was on display when I came upstairs after cleaning up the kitchen last night. That one on the far end...the one that isn't colored, well, that's for me to color WITH them later on;)
And I just LOVE this precious picture with they change taped to it. It's from my sweet Hud! He wanted to give me some birthday money so I could go buy myself something special!!!
Oh...I just LOVE that boy of mine.
I am one blessed girl;)
Blessed with another year of God's abundant grace,
and blessed to share such a sweet day with these little LOVES!