Saturday, January 21, 2012

Can I Carry You?

 I guess that I can hold you
one more time before you grow.
And tell you that I love you so that you will always know.
Please let me tie your shoe again.
One day you'll tie your own.
And when you think back to this time I hope it's love I've shown.
Can I help you put your coat on?

Can I please cut up your meat?
Can I pull you in the wagon?
Can I pick you out a treat?
One day you might just care for me, so let me care for you.
I want to be a part of every little thing you do.
Tonight could I please wash your hair?
Can I put toys in your bath?
Can I help you count your small ten toes before I teach you math?
Before you join a baseball team can I pitch you one more ball?
And one more time can I stand near to make sure that you don't fall?
Let's take another space-ship ride 
up to the planet Zoor.
Before our cardboard rocketship doesn't fit us anymore.
Please let me help you up the hill 
while you're still too small to climb.
And let me read you stories while you're young and have the time.
I know the day will come 
when you will do these things alone.
Will you recall the shoulder rides and all the balls that we've thrown?
So will you let me carry you?
One day you'll walk alone.
I cannot bear to miss one day from now until you've grown.

 --by Brad Anderson


Bethany said...

Wow! Such a sweet poem! Somedays those little mommy duties seem endless, but this peom puts it all back into perspective. Loved it!

Melissa said...

What a precious poem-thank you for sharing! I try to savor each day with my littles and this was just a great reminder to keep on.

Kimberly said...

Enjoy while they are little. Mine are 21 and 16. The time goes by so fast!

Courtney said...

Such a sweet poem and even sweeter pictures. Have a great weekend with your big and little ones.

Michelle said...

I love that! Too often we do those things without even thinking about it. But, these days are full of precious moments!

Unknown said...

so sweet!

annalee said...

thanks for the sweet saturday tears:) such powerful reminders that I needed today, THANK YOU!

Julie said...

Oh MY! Can you say tears! I will have to use this on my blog for my boys. That was precious!

Melanie said...

Absolutely love this & those super-sweet, fantastically adorable pics of your "babies"!! They are absolutely precious & squeezable! LOVE them!!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

They are so cute together!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Oh, that was so sweet!