Late Thursday afternoon, Shane's mom called and told us she wanted to buy our family tickets to the Ringling Br@thers Circus that was in town. We talked, checked the calendar, and decided the best time for us to go would be THAT night. It was a last minute change in plans for the evening, but what an amazing treat for the kids. I wanted them to be surprised, so I didn't tell them where we were headed. All I told them was to get ready quickly, hop in the car, and that we were going to meet Daddy downtown for an adventure! The boys were literally dying to know where we were going. They each asked about a million questions, and begged for little hints. It probably was the l-o-n-g-e-s-t ride down town EVER!!

We made it into town, picked Shane up in front of his office building, and then made our way to the arena!

We had to wait outside for a few minutes (which seemed like an eternity) before the doors opened and we were finally allowed to enter. As soon as we walked inside, we were greeted by flashing lights, loud music, life size animal posters, and colorful memorabilia. It didn't take long before the boys figured out what the BIG surprise was.
They were ecstatic!

An hour before the circus started, all guests were invited down to the arena floor for the pre-show.

We watched a magic show and met a few clowns.
We were also able to see and meet the "strongest men in the world"

These men were truly amazing.
They tossed and juggled huge, heavy, weights as if they were rubber balls.

Corban got a chance to see just how heavy these weights actually were.

Still, using all the might he could muster, Corban could barely lift it off the ground!

We then grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to our seats.
It was time for the show to begin.

Watching Sophie girl's reaction was the highlight of the entire night.
She was totally mesmerized by it all.
She oohed and ahhed and cheered the entire time!

What a way to turn what was supposed to be an ordinary Thursday evening into something SPECTACULAR.
This will definitely go down in our books as one of the
nights ON EARTH!"