Have I mentioned just how much I really LOVE FALL!?!?!
The crisp air, colorful leaves, bright orange pumpkins, and hot apple cider!!
Ahhh...you just can't ask for anything more.
Well, this weekend was JAM packed with ALL of the above. Our family could not have SQUEEZED one more ounce of FALL fun into our crammed full weekend!
Of course, like EVERY Saturday, our day began bright and early with three soccer games. After the games were over, Shane took the three "big" kids to a birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese, while I took the babies and went to pick up my sister, Al. Al graciously watched the babies for me, while I headed off to a "Sip and See" in honor of my friend,
Jessica, and her precious baby, Blythe!
Jessica and her husband Reggie were blessed to add sweet baby Blythe to their family through the beautiful gift of adoption. Oh how we have prayed and prayed and prayed for this precious little girl!!! What a JOY and privilege it was to celebrate the Lord's goodness and Blythe's recent arrival into her forever family!

My dear friend
Melanie, and Jessica's good friend, Courtney, were the masterminds behind the details for this lovely shower. EVERYTHING was tastefully done and beautifully put together!

Isn't the cake GORGEOUS?
Ginger, another sweet friend from church, brought this to the shower!
It made a BEAUTIFUL centerpiece and matched the fabric and theme perfectly!
After the "sip and see", I ran home quickly in order to help Shane gather up our troop.
Then it was off to a pumpkin carving party.
Jeff and Stephanie opened up their home and hosted this fun Sunday School class social.
Let me just tell you... this sweet family knows how to throw a party.
First, you must understand that there were probably over 65 people there--40 of those were KIDDOS!!!
YES...it was some CRAZY FUN!!!
When we got there, the kids headed outside to the backyard where they could play with their friends.

Corban with two of his buddies--Jack and Noah

Sophie LOVED the swing!

After a delicious potluck dinner, it was time for the pumpkin carving to commence.

These boys are ready to create a masterpiece!

"A" and Ri help daddy carve our Jack-o-lantern!

"A" had so much fun carving that
she jumped at the chance to help her friend Sophie carve her pumpkin too!

This was their finished project--a BEAUTIFUL butterfly!

And only mom's of boys will appreciate our families masterpiece.
YES...our pumpkin is throwing up!
GROSS, I know... DEFINITELY not my idea at all,
but my boys thought it was GREAT!!!!
Oh Well!

What's a fall party without a little apple bobbing competition?!?!?

And we have a winner!!!!
And to complete the evening...

all the kids bundled up under blankets, ate popcorn,
and watched a movie under the stars.
And with that, we called it a night.

Oh, but of course we stopped on our way out the door to grab a few Halloween treats!
Thanks so much
Jeff and Stephanie!What a fun, fall, evening--made complete with time spent with wonderful FRIENDS!