Last night we took our college kids from church to a Knights baseball game.

Here's a few pics of our group...

Saturday morning I got up early and headed out to a few yard sales. The weather was rainy and overcast, so I got a little wet running back and forth from the car to the yard sales. The weather wasn't enough to stop me though. I continued on, hoping to find a bargain. Despite the weather, I still came home with a few treasures.
After I was finished with the yard sales, I met Shane and the boys for breakfast.
Later Saturday evening we had our dear friends, Richard and Amy, come over for dinner. They used to live across the street from us several years ago and we would hang out all the time! We would get together for cards and dinner almost every weekend. When we moved away, we stayed in contact over the phone, but didn't get together nearly as often as we used too. Just a few weeks ago, we found out that they bought a house in the neighborhood directly across the street from our new neighborhood. They are only 2 minutes away from us now!! We are so excited to be living so close to each other. I foresee lot's of game nights again.
Richard and Amy now also have a precious little boy, Tristan, that they adopted about ten months ago. He is adorable and my boys had a great time entertaining him throughout the evening!!
Sunday after church, we had some time just to rest and hang out! We had a "pizza picnic" upstairs in the playroom on Sunday evening where we watched a movie with the boys. It was a perfect ending to our weekend!
While Corban, Abby, and Luke were in their classes, I was volunteering in a preschool classroom with Riley. We have had a great week together.
I have loved every minute of it. The kids in his room are so sweet! I already knew these kids because they are in my classroom on Sunday mornings too. It was an extra special treat to be with them all week long!
After VBS was over yesterday, Luke and Abby came home with us to swim. They also stayed with us for the night.
After the busy day we had, everyone was very tired and in bed by 8:00pm. I never heard one word out of them. They were sound asleep in no time!