Whew....that's about all I got to say about THIS weekend. Don't get me wrong- it's not really been a bad one, just EXTREMELY busy and I've been flying solo since early Saturday morning.
Before this crazy weekend began though,
Saturday morning came bright and early as Shane got ready to participate in the "Breakaway to the Beach Experience". This is a HUGE road bike race which raises funds and awareness for MS. He rode his bike for a total of 150 miles over the course of two days. He started just outside of Charlotte, and rode all the way to Sunset Beach, N.C.
He did great and was able to finish strong!
We are so proud of him and all his hard work!!!!
We are so proud of him and all his hard work!!!!
They were very excited to see him off.
After we got Shane on the road, it was off to the soccer fields for the rest of us.
We had three soccer games on the docket for Saturday.
After the games were over, we were then birthday party bound.
Lots of kids from "A's" class were there and we had a GREAT time hanging out and getting to know these sweet families better. Bella's family hosted a wonderful cookout in their backyard and everything was delicious!
We called it a day rather early and by the time every one's head hit that pillow Saturday evening--they were OUT!
After they left, it was BACK to church again for children's choir and Wee Praisers.
By the time we got back from church Sunday evening, Shane was home from his race!
Everyone was so...........glad to see him--especially ME;)!!!!!
Whew...What a weekend y'all. I'm kind-of glad it's Monday.
Happy, Happy Monday everyone. I pray it's a great one!