And even though it doesn't quite FEEL like spring yet, our spring schedule is in full swing. Our days are full, the kids are busy, and I am savoring every moment.
Every warm day we get (which seem to be few and far between right now), we are outside enjoying it. The kids love being out in the backyard and have so much fun playing together.

And when we can't be outside, we've joined friends for play dates and brought the FUN inside, instead!
We've also tried to tackle several home projects around here as well. One of which was to to re-do the girls bedroom. I had so much fun transforming their room into a BIG girl room. I'm thrilled with how it turned out and promise to post pictures later this week.
We've also tried to tackle several home projects around here as well. One of which was to to re-do the girls bedroom. I had so much fun transforming their room into a BIG girl room. I'm thrilled with how it turned out and promise to post pictures later this week.
Any this is my attempt to catch you up on all the "Bruce family happenings" that's taken place over the last several weeks...
Believe it or not, but Corban is the only Bruce kid playing soccer right now. The others have taken the season off and are trying other activities. Cor plays year round and absolutely LOVES it!! Rarely do you see him with out a ball at his feet as he dribbles EVERYWHERE he goes. This kid lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps soccer!!!! He has had a GREAT season so far and we are enjoying watching his skills improve each week on the field.
Riley decided to swim on swim team this season instead of playing soccer. He swims three afternoons a week and is really lovin' it.
He also just participated in his second grade musical at school.
Riley is most definitely our budding musician in the family.
He LOVES to sing and just recently started taking guitar lessons as well.
And speaking of singing...a few weeks ago, Sophie and Hudson's choir sang in church during a Sunday evening service!
This is the little preschool choir that I direct each and every Sunday night.
Seriously, could they be any cuter?!?
They did a FANTASTIC job singing "Lord I lift your name on high", and I was sooooo proud of each and every one of them.
That top right picture is of Hud and his little friend, Lydia. Isn't she precious?!? Well, Hudson thinks so too. While riding in the car the other day, Hudson told me that he was going to marry Lydia;) I smiled and told him that he needed to pray and ask God who he should marry, but that Lydia was definitely a great catch;)
And speaking of a great catch...
A few Fridays ago, Sophie and Shane had a special date at the Father-Daughter Ball. It was hosted by the Christian school our sweet friends, the Robinson's, attend. Sophie looks forward to this night for months and months. She gets so excited about what dress she will wear and how we should fix her hair. She loves putting on a little makeup, painting her nails, and getting all dolled up for her sweet date with daddy.
And from what I hear, this girl is quite the diva on the dance floor too;)
They played her favorite song, "Do you want to build a snowman", from the movie Frozen and Shane said that with out any reservation, Sophie twirled around on the dance floor belting out every.single.word.
Is your house Frozen crazy too?? My girls are absolutely obsessed. They've watched
the movie several times, but they listen to the sound track daily. They
know every song, word for word, and love singing them out at the top of their lungs
for all to hear.
surprised them the other day and made them each their own Anna and Elsa
shirt to wear. They LOVED them and then asked us all day long to only refer to
them as "Princess Anna" and "Queen Elsa";)
The real highlight of this month was traveling to Raleigh last weekend to spend several days with Sophie's birth mom, Jamie.
We had the BEST time EVER and not only enjoyed meeting Jamie's boyfriend, but her amazing Mama as well.
Our time together was so special and we made many sweet memories together.
My Sophie girl is incredibly blessed (as we all are) to have this precious women in her (our) life.
God is so good!
So that's just a little peak at what's been happening over here in these parts recently. Hopefully my next update will come sooner rather than later;)
Happy Monday!