Oh.My.Sweet.Goodness! I cannot believe that it's nearly the end of November and I haven't blogged in weeks! I feel VERY VERY behind. My computer files are filled with literally hundreds of pictures (which only proves how full life has been) but there just doesn't seem to be any time to sit down and blog about them. This has been ONE crazy month. So in order catch you up to speed on all the Bruce family happenings, this post will be a collection of the highlights this "month of thankfulness" has brought.
1. I guess the most exciting "happening" this month was that our sweet Addy-Kate started preschool!
We noticed several months ago that due to Addy-Kate's special need (microtia of her left ear), her English was not improving like it should. We had her evaluated and it was determined that she would benefit greatly from early intervention preschool and speech therapy services. So last week Addy-Kate went to school for the very first time. I was a nervous wreck, but she absolutely LOVED it!!! Her teachers were/are A-MAZING and I could not be more grateful for the help she is going to receive. She attends three mornings a week and gets one hour of speech therapy each day! I cannot wait to see how much progress she will make now that she is receiving
the help she needs!
2. Another HUGE milestone this month was that both Sophie and Hudson learned to ride a two wheeler!
We were soooooo proud of them, but it's just another reminder to me how BIG they are actually getting. {Always bitter-sweet}
3. And speaking of Sophie and Hud, both of them had another first this month when they sang in front of our church congregation as part of the Wee Praisers preschool choir!
They sang the 'Fruit of the Spirit" song and did an AWESOME job!!! I have the privilege of co- leading this sweet little choir and could not have been prouder of them and all their hard work!

4. November usually means the end of another fun-filled soccer season for our family. Sophie, Hudson, and Riley played in our church's league again this year, while Corban participated on a more competitive team.
Being on that new team meant more practice nights per week, traveling for games, and several weekend tournaments. At the beginning of the season, I wasn't sure how it was going to all work out, but I can honestly say that it was the best thing we ever did for Cor. Corban thrived on this new team and it was AWESOME to see him grow and improve so much as a player!

5. I'm 100% sure that if you asked our kids what their favorite thing was this month, they would unanimously declare it was our trip to Clemson!
We spent the entire weekend with our favorite lifeguard (and Clemson attendee), Charlotte.
She invited our family to come stay with her for the weekend AND attend a Clemson football game!
We had an absolute BLAST and the kids are already begging to go back again!

6. Since the kids were off of school on Veterans Day, we decided to spend the day hiking and hanging out together at Reedy Creek Park!
And even though the weather was a bit on the chilly side, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was a beautiful Carolina blue!
We spent the entire day outside, hiking the trails, picnicking together, and relishing in the blessing of a beautiful day!

7. Shopping and packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child is ALWAYS a highlight of the month of November. The kids LOVE spending an afternoon shopping at the dollar store, and then can't wait to come home and begin filling their boxes with all the little trinkets they purchased.

9. And since this IS the month of THANKFULNESS, I'll end this post with pictures of my sweet Sophie girl at her preschool Thanksgiving feast.
Sophie (aka. "Indian Princess Precious Puppy"...and yes, she came up with that name all by herself) was so excited for us to join her at school for her Thanksgiving program and feast. She had been practicing her "part" in the program for weeks, and couldn't wait to sing it for us during her program. She did an AWESOME job and rocked her little part.
At the end of the program, BOTH of her teachers came up to me and told me they think Sophie could really be the President of the United States one day-HA! Yup, that's my girl--passionate and a real leader!
I am so thankful for my Sophie and her endless amount of energy that fills our home! She keeps me on my toes most days, but I couldn't imagine life any other way!!!