Today was a SUPER BIG day for our girl. Not only did she celebrate her 5th birthday, but she also started preschool for the FIRST time EVER!!! To be honest, I'm not sure which one she was more excited about--turning FIVE, or starting school;)
Because Shane had to go out of town first thing this morning, we actually started the birthday celebration a little early. Sunday night, after we got home from church, we enjoyed cake and presents together as a family.
This morning, Sophie woke up bright and early, bounced out of bed, and was ready to start her day as a new 5 year old/ PRESCHOOLER!!!
Oh, her presence is certainly going to be missed at home each day, but we are beyond excited about all she is going to learn this year!

She was a little nervous, but mostly all smiles as we dropped her off this morning.
Her teachers were both super sweet and I know she will make lots and lots of new friends this year.
Be still my heart...would you look at that sweet grin she was wearing as I picked her up this afternoon!?!? Needless to say, she had (in her exact words) an "AWESOME" day!!!!
And as the old saying goes, "Sugar and Spice
and everything Nice...that's what little girls are made of." Well, this
girls definitely got the "SPICE" part down pat;) She's spunky...but she's
also determined, passionate, and full of life! She embraces everything
head on, and finds JOY in every moment! She is the one who finally
brought some PINK (HOT pink that is) into our world of blue.
Sophie Lu,
Sophie Lu,
We love you with
EVERYTHING that we are, and are beyond grateful to call you OURS!!!!
Happiest 5th Birthday, Girl!!!!!
"For I am confident of this very thing,
that He who began a good work in you
will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6
that He who began a good work in you
will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6