Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Elf is B-A-C-K!

For the fourth year in a row, our little elf "Sam" has returned from the North Pole to spend the holidays with our family. The kids have anxiously awaited his arrival since, well...since July!
(No, I'm totally NOT kidding!)
He usually arrives the day after Thanksgiving, and this year he seems to be a little more mischievous than in years past;)
I found this really great link on Pinterest that has 100 fun ideas for your Elf on the Shelf!
Seems to me like some of Santa's elves are causing some trouble this year;)
And now that Sam has arrived, it's time to start counting down the days until Christmas is here!!!
Can you believe? Christmas is literally just around the corner? That's just CRAZY!! This is by far my most favorite time of the year, but it can also be the busiest. We have LOTS of wonderful activities planned throughout the month of December, but in order to get it all done-- and not forget anything-- the boys helped me make an activity advent calendar. 
Each little envelope has a "secret" activity stuffed inside and each day the boys will take turns opening up their envelope.  
Of course, the weekday activities are very simple in nature and the "bigger" activities are saved for the weekends! 
And since the boys got their own advent calendar this year, I thought it would be fun to make one for the babies as well.
After looking on (where else) Pinterest...I found this one and thought it was just too stinkin' adorable!!!
Everyday, the babies will add one cotton ball onto Santa's face, and by the time Christmas gets here, Santa will have a nice full beard! 
Now really...
how FUN is that?!?!?


  1. I love Pinterest! Sounds like you have lots of great things planned. Have a blessed holiday season.

  2. Love all these ideas! What a fun mom!

  3. aahhhh! i was totally planning to do this, too, when we get back to NC. the santa beard is so cute and i think even annalyse is going to get in on the fun. :)

    your elf is being a stinker, but that makes it all the more fun! great ideas, jenny!

  4. Awesome! Garrett was looking over my shoulder when I read this and asked when our elf, Oliver, was coming back. We usually wait until Dec 1st since G's birthday is the 30th - but I am going to do some crazy things with our elf this year too - so thankful for pinterest!!

  5. Oh, looks like mischief abounds! How FUN! I love that Advent calendar garland on your staircase, very cute! I need to get busy on an Advent calendar here, too! Thank goodness for Pinterest to keep the ideas coming!

  6. I found your blog through Walk with me by faith. You family is just precious. I also stumbled upon the posts of the foster child that you had. I feel that the Lord is leading us to become foster parents, as well. Thank you for sharing!

  7. How do I get an elf? I've seen them all over and the kids would love that. I guess I'll google it. :) Love all the fun ideas you have (as usual) and I have to say, I was thinking a minute ago about finally caving and figuring this Pinetrest thing I come to your blog and I'm sold! :) Jessica Washburn


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