Monday, November 28, 2011

"Babies" and "Buddies"

 I've been asked before about when we think we'll STOP calling these two little ones, "the babies"? We've called them that for SO long now, that the term has just kind-of stuck around. 
And even though they are two-and-a-half and three years old now (and definitely no longer babies) they are still affectionately called that by most of our friends and family. 
So until we come up with something else, these two will forever be known as "the babies"!
However, when I look at this picture, which I snapped right before church yesterday, 
I see anything BUT babies. 
They are growing up fast and changing right before my very eyes!Here they are exactly two years ago...
so little and oh SOOOOOOO very cute!
My home time flies;)
 Okay, so on a TOTALLY different note I wanted to post this yummy crock pot recipe. It's no secret about how much I love my crock pot. I use it throughout the week, but on Sundays, it's a definite MUST!!!! I LOVE throwing my meal in before we head out for church and by the time my hungry crew walks back in the door that afternoon, lunch is DONE!!! 
No prep, no mess, and only one pot to clean up after! 
Totally can't beat that!!! 
Yesterday we had THIS.
It's definitely not a new recipe,
BUT it's a goodie.
 On Sunday afternoon, after we got lunch cleaned up, and the babies down for their naps, I got to hang out with this little cutie. Like I've said before, Riley is my little crafting buddy. He loves drawing, coloring, and creating!
Ahh..a boy after my own heart;)
A new craft store opened up close to our home and I was dying to check it out. When Ri found out where I was going, he was begging to go too!
So off we went. I ended up purchasing some material for the 16 pairs of Christmas PJ'S I am making this year, and Ri ended up with a package of M&M'S.
 I'd say we were BOTH happy;)
And while we were out shopping, these two did a fine job holding down the fort! Every Sunday afternoon, this is a typical scene you would find in our two biggest boys, cuddled up on the couch, cheering on their favorite football team, and keeping their fingers crossed for a victory!
Thankfully yesterday, our Carolina Panthers were FINALLY able to bring home a WIN!!!


  1. Your family is the cutest! I love my crock pot too and will have to try that recipe.

  2. I can't believe how big those babies are getting!!!

    I also can't believe that I've never tried that recipe in my crockpot! I've made it in the oven many times, but never thought about doing it in the crockpot! What am I thinking?? :)

  3. Your "babies" are so...cute! I think I would always call them babies, also. Congrats on Carolina beating our Colts- we're definitely ready for Manning to heal and get back to the game.

  4. Sophie's hair looks so pretty curled! We love Chicken and Swiss at our house. I have never done it before in the crockpot though. I will try it that way next time! Makes an easy dish even easier!

  5. The "babies" they will always be! Looks like a wonderful Sunday! I am definitely going to try that recipe, YUM! Such cute pics from your Sunday!! We are SO excited for the Christmas PJs! I will look for the red fabric early this week...if I can't find the snowflakes, I will pick something different...even if it isn't flannel. THANK YOU!!

  6. I am laughing because we still call our 3 year old, "the baby," and people ask us the same thing, especially since we're due to have another baby in just a few weeks.

  7. Ahhh - you made it to JoAnns?? jealous - waiting for a time to run out there - ALONE! 16 pairs - you go girl - still haven't started my 2 pairs . . .

  8. Awe, thanks for the sweet comment and yeah, I totally wish we could be running buddies! Thanks for the recipe. I just threw it all in the crock pot and now I can go on my run and not worry about dinner. :)

  9. Enjoyed discovering and stopping by your blog today. :)

  10. The babies really are looking so much older!
    I'll have to try that crockpot recipe. It sounds good!

  11. Love that header! I call my two youngest the babies, too, and they are 4 and 2. I always say, "Kanin went with Daddy and I had the babies". I'm pretty sure Gracie is going to inform me one of these days that she isn't a baby:(

    april@Party of Five

  12. JoAnn's is the most dangerous store ever!!! I was so sad to move here 5.5 years ago and not have one close by. They have the BEST sales ever! I am in big trouble now that they have come to Charlotte!!! I didn't sew pj's for my family last year... I need to get back to my tradition. Blessings!


Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment!!! Blessings to you!