This has been a crazy week... AND it's only Wednesday;)

Shane's been out of town on business-- sniff, sniff;(
the "BIG" boys are doing a half-day Y camp all week,

AND we are also providing respite care for a foster child with some special medical needs.
Our little foster child had the throw-ups this week too (long story...and I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't fun!!!)

AND on top of ALL that, I'm doing my best to get things together for our upcoming trip to the beach!
This week, I've been coordinating schedules, getting everyone to appointments as needed, meeting with social workers, attempting to keep up with the laundry, AND not loose a child in the CRAZINESS of it all--ha!

So far so good---at least on the not loosing a child part;)

Shane's been out of town on business-- sniff, sniff;(
the "BIG" boys are doing a half-day Y camp all week,
AND we are also providing respite care for a foster child with some special medical needs.
Our little foster child had the throw-ups this week too (long story...and I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't fun!!!)
AND on top of ALL that, I'm doing my best to get things together for our upcoming trip to the beach!
This week, I've been coordinating schedules, getting everyone to appointments as needed, meeting with social workers, attempting to keep up with the laundry, AND not loose a child in the CRAZINESS of it all--ha!
So far so good---at least on the not loosing a child part;)
Ahhh...the sound of the ocean, sand in my toes, wind in my hair,
AND.....most likely...a little one on my hip---ha!
CAN'T WAIT THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CAN'T WAIT THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!