Thursday, October 30, 2008
Giving Thanks Challenge!
I'm joining in on the 2nd Annual Giving Thanks Challenge hosted by Leah at South Breeze Farm! All you have to do is post one thing you're thankful for each day somewhere on your blog. I can't wait to start. I truly have so much to be grateful for this year!!! Head over to her site and join in on the fun!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Corban's first day
After MUCH prayer and discussion we decided that because of all the changes that have taken place, it was best for Corban to be in school. Our home school year was off to a great start, but with the addition of a newborn and this pregnancy, we decided that it was better for Corban to be in school. This was not an easy decision! I love homeschooling and totally believe in all the benefits. I also know that with a newborn at home and a 2 1/2 year old, doing school and doing it well would be difficult! So just about three weeks ago Corban had his first day of school!!! It has definitely been a transition for us, but Corban LOVES school. We had a few hard mornings at first, but most days he wakes up excited about his day.
His teacher is just about the sweetest thing you would ever meet. She is a total answer to our prayers. She LOVES Corban and is taking such good care of him. I have been so happy with the entire school too! The first day of school, the principal met us in Corban's classroom and introduced himself to us! A few days ago, Corban's assistant teacher asked me for a copy of his soccer schedule just so she could come watch one of his games. I'm telling you, I have been blown away by everyone's kindness.
I love that the school is literally at the end of our street too. We walk him to school in the mornings and then, because of nap schedules, he rides the bus home in the afternoon. I have to say that riding the bus has probably been the most exciting part of starting school for Corban- (even though it is only about a two minute bus ride!)
His teacher is just about the sweetest thing you would ever meet. She is a total answer to our prayers. She LOVES Corban and is taking such good care of him. I have been so happy with the entire school too! The first day of school, the principal met us in Corban's classroom and introduced himself to us! A few days ago, Corban's assistant teacher asked me for a copy of his soccer schedule just so she could come watch one of his games. I'm telling you, I have been blown away by everyone's kindness.
I love that the school is literally at the end of our street too. We walk him to school in the mornings and then, because of nap schedules, he rides the bus home in the afternoon. I have to say that riding the bus has probably been the most exciting part of starting school for Corban- (even though it is only about a two minute bus ride!)
Here's Corban on his first day of school... ALL SMILES!

Monday, October 27, 2008
GUESS WHAT????????????
The Lord has decided to bless us again!!!!
We're PREGNANT!!!!!
As we were in the adoption process, waiting for our precious Sophie, there were many, many, many, days I would cry out to the Lord. We longed for another child so much and the wait seemed like it would never end! Every time I would cry out to the Lord, I would hear Him whisper to my heart..."Be patient, Jenny, and trust me. I am going to bless you beyond anything you can imagine!!!" Over and over again the Lord would remind me that He was in control and that I needed to trust in Him and His timing!!!!
Sophie will have a sibling so close to her in age!
I know they will be the best of friends!!!
They will have so much fun growing up together!!!
This is definitely beyond anything I could have ever imagined!!!!!
We are due April 24th, 2009!
The Lord has decided to bless us again!!!!
We're PREGNANT!!!!!
As we were in the adoption process, waiting for our precious Sophie, there were many, many, many, days I would cry out to the Lord. We longed for another child so much and the wait seemed like it would never end! Every time I would cry out to the Lord, I would hear Him whisper to my heart..."Be patient, Jenny, and trust me. I am going to bless you beyond anything you can imagine!!!" Over and over again the Lord would remind me that He was in control and that I needed to trust in Him and His timing!!!!
Sophie will have a sibling so close to her in age!
I know they will be the best of friends!!!
They will have so much fun growing up together!!!
This is definitely beyond anything I could have ever imagined!!!!!
We are due April 24th, 2009!
My sweet helper!!!
Saturday afternoon I was busy in the kitchen getting ready for my grandparents who were coming over for dinner. Sophie woke up from her nap and was ready to eat. My sweet Corban offered to feed her while I finished up in the kitchen. He is ALWAYS so willing to help with Sophie! After about 5 minutes, I came over to the couch to check on them and this is what I found...

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dinner and HSM3!!!!!
That's High School Musical 3! Yes, last night Shane and I took Corban and my sister Allison, to see this movie!
Allison has a birthday coming up on Tuesday, so we wanted to celebrate her birthday as well as thank her for ALL the help she gives to us!!
I'm not too sure who was more more excited about the movie, Allison, Corban, or me!?!?!?

I'm not too sure who was more more excited about the movie, Allison, Corban, or me!?!?!?

We met Shane and grabbed a quick bite to eat at McAlisters Deli before the movie.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Our sweet little girl!!!

Sophie is 5 weeks old now! I can hardly believe it!! Time is just flying by! She still is the absolute sweetest baby in the whole world. She is such a special part of our family and we are so grateful to the Lord for her!
We just had her one month check-up last Friday and she is doing great! She weighed 7lbs. 5 oz. had grown about 1 1/2 inches since her last visit. She continues to gain about an ounce a day, which is exactly what the doctor wants to see!

Our sweet blessing from above!!
We just had her one month check-up last Friday and she is doing great! She weighed 7lbs. 5 oz. had grown about 1 1/2 inches since her last visit. She continues to gain about an ounce a day, which is exactly what the doctor wants to see!

What happened to us?!?!?!?
I'm sure many of you were wondering what happened or where I went. I received several emails from many of my sweet friends asking about my blog. Well, after much consideration, I decided to make our families blog private. I truly enjoy reading many of your blogs and I enjoy keeping up with friends that I don't see very much through their blogs. They are a wonderful tool and serve a great purpose. My heart became unsettled though with the idea that I don't really know who is viewing my blog. I love to write about my children and share all that has been going on in our lives, especially about our adoption, but I started to feel uncomfortable sharing our lives in blog land.
For the past two weeks I haven't blogged and (although I've had time to accomplished other things)... I MISS BLOGGING!!!!! I have tons of pictures that I want to share and memories that need to be written down. The best way I know to do this is to blog!!!!!
So get ready...
I've got some catching up to do!!!!!!!!!!!
For the past two weeks I haven't blogged and (although I've had time to accomplished other things)... I MISS BLOGGING!!!!! I have tons of pictures that I want to share and memories that need to be written down. The best way I know to do this is to blog!!!!!
So get ready...
I've got some catching up to do!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Dresses and Bows
Girl clothes are so much FUN!!! I'm LOVIN' having a little girl to dress each day. I love to pick out her outfit and, of course, she has to have a coordinating hair bow to match! I truly believe God knew my love of girly things and blessed me a daughter with blond beautiful hair just so I could enjoy putting hair bows in it!!!!!

Doesn't she look precious?!?!?
Considering that we had not ONE article of clothing when we got the call that Sophie had been born, she has now acquired quite the wardrobe!!! I scored big time last Saturday when my neighbor, who works for Carters, had a HUGE sample sale at her home! Everything was just $5.00! She didn't have a lot of newborn items, but I bought a ton of clothes for spring and summer. I hope they are the right size. It's hard to tell exactly what size she will be in because she was so tiny when she was born! I hope I guessed right!
My precious Sophie!!!!
Considering that we had not ONE article of clothing when we got the call that Sophie had been born, she has now acquired quite the wardrobe!!! I scored big time last Saturday when my neighbor, who works for Carters, had a HUGE sample sale at her home! Everything was just $5.00! She didn't have a lot of newborn items, but I bought a ton of clothes for spring and summer. I hope they are the right size. It's hard to tell exactly what size she will be in because she was so tiny when she was born! I hope I guessed right!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
First of all, I want to thank everyone for leaving us such sweet comments! We feel so incredibly blessed! Thank you for sharing in our excitement and joy!!!
The outpouring of love we have felt from our family, friends, and neighbors has been overwhelming! Our neighbors have been bringing meals every night for the past two weeks! And not a day has gone by where we haven't had a package of baby items dropped off on our front porch! We are so extremely grateful!!!
This week has been wonderful! We are getting to know our sweet Sophie more and more! She is such a GREAT baby! She is eating about every two hours. She eats between two and three ounces every feeding. Needless to say, we aren't getting much sleep, but were not complaining!!!! It truly is a joy to have her in our arms!! What's worked really well is Shane and I are splitting the nights in half. He cares for her the first half of the night and then wakes me up around 2am to finish the rest of the night. My wonderful mom is coming over to spend the night with us tonight though, that way, Shane and I can get one good nights rest! Thanks mom!!!
We also discovered that she really likes her swing! She naps the best when she is in it!
The outpouring of love we have felt from our family, friends, and neighbors has been overwhelming! Our neighbors have been bringing meals every night for the past two weeks! And not a day has gone by where we haven't had a package of baby items dropped off on our front porch! We are so extremely grateful!!!
This week has been wonderful! We are getting to know our sweet Sophie more and more! She is such a GREAT baby! She is eating about every two hours. She eats between two and three ounces every feeding. Needless to say, we aren't getting much sleep, but were not complaining!!!! It truly is a joy to have her in our arms!! What's worked really well is Shane and I are splitting the nights in half. He cares for her the first half of the night and then wakes me up around 2am to finish the rest of the night. My wonderful mom is coming over to spend the night with us tonight though, that way, Shane and I can get one good nights rest! Thanks mom!!!
We also discovered that she really likes her swing! She naps the best when she is in it!
The boys have adjusted really well to the addition of a sister! They simply adore her!
Riley is so sweet with her and just loves to kiss her head.
Corban is a great helper! His favorite thing to do is to give her a bottle. I am so proud of them! They are great big brothers!!!

We still just love to sit and stare at her! We can't believe she is here and she is OURS!!!! We are soaking in every sweet moment! God is so good and we are so... blessed!
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