Saturday, November 22, 2014

October in a nutshell

So... needless to say, I am VERY behind in my blogging! Life is full and the days seem to fly by faster than I can type;)
FALL is my very favorite time of year, and I would be so sad if I didn't take the time to document just a little bit of what's been going on in our lives during this season.
So here is a little glimpse of what we've been up to lately...
SOCCER (and lots of it)
Corban and Riley both played for Charlotte Soccer Academy this year and have had stellar seasons.
We are so proud of them!
And speaking of PROUD, Corban was nominated by his classmates as October's "terrific kid"of the month. He was chosen for best displaying the character trait of responsibility!
 And what would OCTOBER be without PUMPKINS, right?!?!
Well, I was blessed to accompany one of my littlest pumpkins on his class trip to Hunter Farms!
We had the BEST day together! I just love that boy!
And just as soon as we pick our pumpkins out of the patch, our kids start asking WHEN the pumpkin carve party will be!
They look forward to THIS get-together EVERY year!
And who could blame them?!?! Carving pumpkins is always more fun with friends!
Throw in our neighborhood 5K, and the Chosen 10 miler we did,
 and you can see that October has literally kept our family running;)
But we wouldn't want it any other way!

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