Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today is THE DAY...

I can't believe that TODAY is the day we start our journey to China...and to our daughter! I've been waiting for this day to arrive for what seems like FOREVER, but for some reason I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that IT'S actually here! 
We don't fly out until 4ish this afternoon, so I have some time this morning to finish packing and to put a few last minute details together.
 For the most part though, we are definitely READY!
By far, the hardest part of this day is going to be saying "goodbye" to my kids. I'm trying my best to keep it together, but up until this point I've been a BIG ole' puddle of emotion. I know once I say goodbye and get my rear on that plane I'll be fine, but until then...well let's just say it ain't pretty. Please pray for me today! I need to be strong and confident...for them! I am leaving them in THE BEST HANDS EVER! My family will be staying here and they are going to have a total BLAST! These next two weeks are FULL of fun and busyness, and because of that I know the time is going to FLY! They probably won't even notice I'm gone;) 
I, on the other hand, am going to miss them like CRAZY! 

So here's just a quick run down of how our trip will begin...
We leave Charlotte @ 4:30 today and fly to Detroit.
Then @ 9:55pm tonight we leave Detroit and fly into Beijing.
We arrive in Beijing @ 11:55pm on June 22nd;)
Hopefully, I'll be able to post once we get to China...
so until then...
(I better be on my way)


  1. Praying so much for you al!! So excited for you!

  2. Detroit! Ahh I am 10 minutes from the airport!! Wish you were here longer!! ;) Praying for you beauty!! So happy you are blogging again!

  3. Praying for you and all this day holds! I wild rollercoaster of emotions...but all held securely in God's sovereign hands. Trusting that He will keep your kids in perfect peace while you are gone. Praying for safety for today and joy and love and laughter for tomorrow!!!

  4. Oh yay!!! So excited for you and well, us too as we get another niece! Ha! We have been thinking of all the fun we will have with our cousins while you are gone. Don't worry about a thing! We will miss you, but enjoy this special adventure! Can't wait to meet AK!
    Love you!

  5. Praying for all things about this journey!!!!!!! Cannot wait to follow along!

  6. I don't know that I've ever commented, but first, I'm so happy that you've started blogging again :) I'm so, so excited for your family and will be praying for sae travels!!

  7. Congrats on your journey and prayers for your sweet family! :)

  8. How exciting! Praying for you as you enter this next part of your journey.

  9. Sooo excited for you! I know how hard it is to leave your babies at home...we dread it too and I did a horrible job of holding it together last time we traveled for our son. But God is good! I can't wait to see you there!
    Much love~

  10. YAY!!! for finaly have A.K. in your arms...sending you guys many prayers!

  11. So excited for you guys. I can't wait to hear about your trip. I'
    m sure your little ones will be fine.

  12. I always read and never comment....wish you all the best with your travels and im sure you will be at ease when you have your arms around your new little girl <3


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