Monday, February 27, 2012

MIA and a little DIY project

Hi Guys;)
 I've been MIA for the last week or so. I decided to take a little blogging break. I've had lots of little projects around the house that needed my attention, so I did my best to stay away from the computer for a while, and focus on my "to do" list. 
I seriously have a LOVE/HATE relationship with the computer. I love Facebook, blogging, and pinterest, BUT they are also REAL time zappers. 
I sit down to just "check" something and before I realize it, a half hour has gone by--ugh!
 Balance is the key and something I don't know that I have found quite yet--sigh.
Anyway, while the computer was OFF for the week, I was able to focus, get organized, and cross off several things on that ever growing "to do list"!
One of those little projects I completed was a jewelry organizer.
 I kind-of wish I would have taken a picture of how my jewelry looked before I organized it, but just take it from was  a total and utterly, embarrassing disaster area.
well...not any more;)
What you need:
Empty frame, a scrap of material, chicken wire, S hooks, a staple gun, wire cutters, scissors, and ribbon for decorating.
Seriously y'all, this was the quickest and most rewarding project EVER...
First--staple a piece chicken wire to the back of an old frame and then secure your fabric the same way. 
 Add ribbon and hang.
That's IT!!!
  Oh, and while we are talking about organizing jewelry...
I saw somewhere--probably on Pinterest;) where they used a paper towel holder to organize their bracelets. 
Brilliant and a perfect idea!
Happy Monday Y'all!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love it!! I need to do something like that for sure! I hope my email made its way to you. Hope your having a great day! Xo

  2. Love the necklace holder, so cute! I have the same paper towel holder in the kids bathroom, it holds all of the girls elastic hair bands and sometimes extra toilet paper on the other side:)

  3. love it! I use a towel holder that goes in your bathroom for my necklaces! it's tall on onside side and short on the other!!! Displays them well!!!

  4. I love the paper towel holder for bracelets!! I know what you mean that the "computer" is a time waser. The other night I told my husband that I would be right down then I got onto pinterest and started looking....1 hr later I went down!

  5. Love how that cute jewelry holder turned out! And more great ideas in the comments! Glad you are back, you were missed, but I completely understand. I always take long, unintentional blogging breaks because I just can't seem to find a way to balance everything!

  6. Totally agree, so hard to keep up even though it is all so fun. Love your jewelry holder!

  7. I just LOVE all your nifty craft projects!!

  8. I feel the same with the internet time sucking. I love to keep up, but times, I have to just let it go for a bit and know it will still be there! Glad you got some things done, and love the jewelry holder!

  9. Missing your post.
    Are ya'll in China ?


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