Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another Step Closer!

On Friday, December 2nd we put our I-800 in the mail---FINALLY!!! To many, I know much that doesn't really mean much, but to us it means that we are another HUGE step closer to getting out precious Addy-Kate! 
Praying this will be approved quickly!
Sophie is ready to meet her sister;)


  1. How exciting!! Prayers for a smooth and quick process.

  2. I know exactly what a relief that is...congratulations! Praying for your sweet little girl!

  3. woo-hoo! yay for you! yay for the whole family!

  4. How exciting! Every item crossed off the list is a little step closer! We are all praying for Addy-Kate & cannot wait until she is home in your arms!!!

  5. cute baby and beautiful looking.
    Luxury Hotels

  6. i know ya'll are excited!! praying everything goes smoothly!

  7. Don't know how I missed this! LOVE that first picture!!! How precious. Praying that this process goes really fast from here on out!! Blessings!


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