Saturday, January 30, 2010

The wheels on the BUS!

One of the highlights of our day is waiting and watching for Corban's bus to bring him home from school.
We live so close to his school that we are able to walk there in the mornings, but in the afternoons it's just easier to ride the bus home.
Friday afternoon (like every afternoon) I announced to the kids it was time to watch for Corban's bus. I then saw Sophie take off running towards the front door. I heard some banging around and as I made my way to the door too, this is what I found.

Sophie had gotten the stool out of the bathroom and dragged it all the way to the front door. She was perched there, pocket book on her arm, just waiting anxiously for her big brother to come home.

As soon as she saw Cor's bus,
she screamed B-------U--------S!!!!!
She is always so..........excited to see her big brother!!

Yes... I must say, these two are quite smitten with each other.
Sophie ADORES her big brother and there's no question that
Corban is in total LOVE with his little sister!



  1. Oh my goodness!! She is just precious! That stool and purse are too much!

  2. That is so sweet. She is going to be so protected by all those boys. :)

  3. I love the purse on her arm! She is too adorable!

  4. love, love, love this post! cute kids - cute friends - cute family! count your many blessings...

  5. This is sooooo very sweet! Don't you just love sibling-love?! Sophie is just too adorable with her pocket book... just like mama! I hope you got enought snow for the kids to enjoy today. Blessings!

  6. That's the cutes thing ever! Every little girl needs a big brother. :)

  7. Awwww, now that is just the sweetest thing EVER!

  8. that makes me want to have a little girl for the boys to dote on!

  9. love reading your blog. The last pic on this post is priceless...You have beautiful children :)

  10. She is so cute and so sweet! That last picture is precious!


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