Friday, January 15, 2010

We're Growing Up!

My babies are growing up way too fast!!!!

My sweet Sophie girl turns 16 months tomorrow, and Hudson will be 9!!!!!!
Oh. My. Heart--
Where has the time gone?

Every day is a new adventure with these two,
and there is NEVER a dull moment in this house!!!
They definitely keep me hoppin'!!!

Hudson is crawling every where now and into EVERYTHING!
It's like a whole new world opened up to him when he began to crawl.

He loves to explore each room in the house. I can't take my eyes off of him for even a second, because if I do...he'll be gone!!!
(Or his sister may try and sit on him--
Sophie's new favorite thing to do)
I think he is determined to keep up with his brothers and sister.
I just LOVE his chubby little cheeks--they just cry out to be kissed!!!

Sophie is getting to be such a big girl!!!!
I still look at her every day and can't believe she's MINE!!!!

As Sophie is getting bigger, she is realizing that she has an opinion on how things should be done. And, if little miss Sophie doesn't agree with the way things are done, she has no problem letting me know!
Let me tell you--- this girl has got some lungs.
I am learning that girls can be slightly dramatic at times;)!!!!

Sophie is still all GIRL and I am eating it up!!!
She loves to play with her babies and carry her pocket book around.
She is talking quite a bit too.
Some of her vocabulary includes... "thank you" , "ball", "baby". "Hudson", and "Hi Sophie".
It's so much fun to hear her talk !

Yes, these two are quite the pair!


  1. what a great bunch of pictures! you are blessed with beautiful children!

  2. How precious hose two are! I can't believe how big they are getting!!

  3. All of your children are so cute. Where did you get their precious shirts?

  4. I love your sweet babies! And the time is flying by TOO fast! I have people stop me all the time & ask whose baby I'm carrying b/c Drew certainly can't be THAT big already! LOL!
    Happy Weekend!

  5. They are so cute. I am sure they keep you hopping!

  6. cute is an understatement. and precious just doesn't do justice either. seriously - how cute are those two kids?! loved seeing the pics!

  7. Oh, I bet they are so much fun! They are both so cute and really are growing up fast. Hope y'all have a great weekend!!

  8. Very cute babies! Where did you get their adorable shirts?

  9. They are so cute!
    They grow up way too fast, don't they?


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