Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's a pirate pAAARty

On Sunday night, we enjoyed celebrating our newest four year old...pirate style! 
The "crew" gathered at our home for a simple party and cookout--in honor of our sweet birthday boy! 
It was such a fun night and the kids had a great time playing with their cousins!
 They also had fun playing outside and "diggin' for buried treasure" hidden in the sand box.
Jake and the Neverland Pirates is Hudson's VERY favorite show on t.v.,
so it came as no surprise to us when he asked for a "Jake" cake!
Of course, next to cake, presents are what pirates like best! 

What a fun pAAARty it was, and a sweet time celebrating our birthday boy!

Celebrating Our Hudson!

On April 16th, my littlest guy turned FOUR years old! FOUR...How is that even possible?!?!?
Four years ago, the Lord blessed me beyond measure when He gave me this precious boy! Since then, this little guy has stolen my heart AND managed to wrap me around his little finger (twice)! He is a true momma's boy and gives the BEST snuggles EVER. I know the Lord has BIG plans for my sweet Hudson and I can't wait to watch those plans unfold!
We enjoyed such a fun day celebrating our little Hud Hud on his birthday! 

It was beautiful outside, so the entire morning was spent at the park with some of our sweet friends!
We enjoyed a yummy picnic and some great playground time!
When Shane got home from work that evening, we had a special dinner together.
Lasagna, salad and garlic bread was what was requested by the birthday boy!
We washed it all down with homemade vanilla cupcakes, smothered in Nutella icing (YUMM-O)!!
After dinner, a special birthday surprise was waiting for the new four year old on the front porch!
Yeah...he was just a little excited about his neon green, lighting-FAST, race car bike!
Happy Birthday Hud!
I hope you had a great day, because we sure had FUN celebrating YOU!!!

A Pinkalicious Date

 Last Sunday afternoon, Sophie and I had tickets to go watch the musical Pinkalicious! And if you know anything about my Sophie girl, you know that she is a HUGE fan of the entire Pinkalicious book series!! 
She was so excited to see the play and couldn't wait for the show to begin! I was a little excited too! Somehow we scored front row seats which was such a sweet blessing! The musical was AMAZING and we had the best time together! 
On our way home, we made a quick stop at (where else) but Pinkberry and enjoyed a little treat together!
What a fun way to spend the day with my very own PINK wearin', cupcake eatin', heart meltin' little girl! 
I just LOVE her so much!!!!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I scream, you scream...

 We ALL scream for...
ICE CREAM!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break Finale!

Our spring break has officially come to an end! 
 It was wonderful, it was AWESOME, and it was exciting!
 We enjoyed every.single.minute of it and made lots of FUN memories!! 
 We savored each moment together and are now (more than EVER) ready for SUMMER!!!!
 Our week ended with a trip to the Harris YMCA for some swimmin' FUN!
The kids had a GREAT time splashin' around in the pool!
 Saturday morning was GAME DAY! 
We got up bright and early and headed to the fields for a day of fun in the sun!
Sophie and Hudson played really REALLY well this week!!
 They each scored a goal during Saturday's game which was AWESOME!!!
 Corban and Riley played their hearts out as well...
 and had great games too!

I think Miss AK enjoys game day too...if for nothing else than the unlimited about of snacking she can do while on the sidelines!
 This was my most favorite picture that was taken on Saturday!
Hudson and his best buddy, Drew after their game. 
Soooooooo darn cute!  

After the games were over, the kids and I raced home, showered and change before heading to my neice, Makayla's 5th birthday party!
It was a beautiful afternoon and the kids enjoyed yet another egg hunt, some fun outside games, and the breaking of the egg pinata!
With sun-kissed cheeks and bellies full of sweets it was time to call it a day.
And what a great day it was too. 
The perfect way to end our spring break!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A trip to the ZOO!

Wednesday, we spent the entire day at the Riverbank Zoo!! 
 We were joined by our dear friends, the Robinson's, for an exciting day of sightseeing and animal lovin' fun! 
 We were once again blessed with a BEAUTIFUL day and gorgeous, spring-like temps!
It was quite crowded, but that didn't stop us from having a GRAND time!
The kids had an absolute BLAST seeing all the different animals, 
BUT feeding the giraffes was definitely a highlight of the day!!
One of THE MOST EXCITING events of the entire day though had to be Riley losing his VERY FIRST TOOTH while we were there!!!!!
 How AWESOME is that!
I know THIS was one trip to the zoo he'll (for sure) NEVER EVER forget!!

Dan Nicholas Park

We've truly enjoyed every day of our spring break this year. Each day has held a new adventure and an exciting outing to experience. 
Monday morning dawned bright and early, as we loaded up the car and drove about and hour away to Dan Nicholas Park! 

We met my sisters B and KK there, and enjoyed a day filled with fresh air and beautiful sunshine. 
 We could not have asked for a better day!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

EASTER, 2013

 Each and every holiday is still a FIRST for our precious Addy-Kate...
and that makes celebrating them that much sweeter! 
We certainly have enjoyed a wonderful year of "firsts" with our precious baby girl...
  and in just a few short months she'll be celebrating her THIRD birthday with US! 
Oh, what a special day THAT will be!
We enjoyed a wonderful Easter this year. 
 After a beautiful worship service at church, we headed over to my mom's house for a delicious Easter dinner.
The kids were so excited to play with their sweet cousins, 
 and enjoyed yet another egg hunt in my parents front yard!!
And as we enjoyed our day celebrating our RISEN Lord, an old hymn my grandpa used to sing to me played over and over and over again in my head...

I serve a risen Savior,
He's in the world today;
I know that He is living,
Whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy,
I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him
He's always near.

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives
He walks with me and He talks with me
Along life's narrow way.
He lives, He live, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives:
He lives within my heart.