Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why babies need mommies!

You have to watch this video!!!!!!
It is so hilarious!!!! I laughed so hard I cried!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Precious in Pigtails!!!

Sophie's first pair of pigtails!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just a quick trip...

So Shane and I decided to make a quick run to Walmart the other day! We only needed a few things and I was ready to get out of the house for an hour or so.

This is picture of the babies and all the "stuff" we needed to take with us in order to run one quick errand?!?!?! Shane and I were exhausted just from packing for our outing. You would have thought we were going to be gone for days!

And this is a picture of our back seat- now with THREE car seats stretched across the back. Thankfully we have a third row for Corban, or we would have to strap him to the roof. =)
Needless to say, we are now in the market for a mini van!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 months old!!!

Sophie turned seven months old last week!!! Actually, the day I went in to be induced with Hudson was her seven month old birthday!

She is getting so big! I really do wish I could just freeze time!!!!!!

She is just the most precious thing ever. Her smile just lights up our lives.

I have to tell you though, she may always look so sweet and innocent, but this girl has a definite feisty side. She knows what she wants and will let you know it. She has even developed this little growl. Seriously, when she gets super excited, she growls like a little tiger. It's so cute! The boys get a kick out of it!

I just love this expression on her face...
"What? Who me!?!?"

Sophie LOVES to swing!!!

Sophie visiting mommy at the hospital!! I was so happy to see her!!!!!

Days and Nights

I quickly wanted to jump on here for a moment and let you know how our first two nights home have gone?
Not too bad, really! I know the first few weeks home are definitely the hardest, but they do fly by -- at least that is what I keep telling myself=). Like most newborns, Hudson seems to have his days and nights mixed up. He sleeps most of the day away, and then becomes wide eyed around 10:30 pm. He is not fussy- just wide awake, and curious about his new surroundings! Honestly, he really could keep me up ALL night long and I wouldn't mind. I am just so happy that he is home and that he is healthy! I am enjoying every precious newborn snuggle and cuddle! There is nothing in the world like it!!

Sophie is doing great having Hudson home too! In fact, I don't really think she even notices him. I know one thing for sure... Sophie is enjoying having her daddy home from work. She's got him wrapped around her little finger and she knows it too! I know Shane is enjoying his time with Sophie as well. They have become best buddies.

Well, I must run! This morning, Shane is volunteering at Corban's school, so I am home (by myself) with the babies. He should be back in an hour or so. I hear one of them up from thier nap now, so I must go!!!

Maybe, I'll be lucky enough to grab a little nap this afternoon! One can hope!!! =)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

There is no place like HOME!!!!!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited that Hudson came home from the hospital today. He was discharged late this morning and we have spent this afternoon just loving on our little man! We are so thrilled to have him home and have all our family together!

All dressed... each one of the boys came home from the hospital in this outfit!

Just waiting to go home...

Mommy and Daddy can't wait to get HOME!!!

Let's hit the road!

Sophie and Hudson

Riley couldn't wait to hold his little brother! He kept saying "oh...he is so sweet!"

Grandma was waiting at the house. She was so excited to meet Hudson!

So we'll see how our first night at home goes! I'll let you know.......

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update on our little one

First of all, I wanted to thank every one for your sweet comments and prayers. Shane and I are truly humbled by all the prayers that were echoed on our little Hudson's behalf!!
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! We are eternally grateful!

We know that it's because of those precious prayers that our Hudson is now doing GREAT!!!! He had a super night last night and was eating normally--no more vomiting!!!! He has been taken of all machines and monitors! The doctors are now convinced that when he had his "episode" in the nursery the other night, (where he was experiencing some respiratory distress) was because he accidentally aspirated some formula while he was eating. That formula is the haziness that they were picking up in his x-ray. It's not pneumonia after all! They also thought that he had some type of infection, but after further tests they concluded that that is not so either!!! He is just FINE!!!!! They are going to take him off his antibiotics. The doctors are going to keep a close eye on him just to make sure all their assumptions are indeed correct, but if he has another great day tomorrow and all his tests come back normal again, he can go home on Tuesday!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!! Praise the Lord!!! Praise the Lord!!!!

Lovin' from Daddy!

Snuggles with mommy

Daddy feeding his little man!

And again...Thank you for your prayers!!!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Would you please PRAY?

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I was discharged from the hospital this afternoon, but we unfortunately had to come home without our precious baby boy.

Very early this morning, the nurse woke me up and let me know that they had to move Hudson over into the NICU. Apparently, he had been vomiting and was experiencing some respiratory distress. Shane and I had been with him all day long and had just sent him to the nursery a few hours earlier in order for me to get some rest. He seemed perfectly happy and healthy before this happened. I was totally shocked and couldn't believe what they were telling me!!

After talking to the doctor this morning, it looks like Hudson has developed some type of infection, and according to his x-ray's, he may have pneumonia in his right lung. They aren't really sure at this point exactly what's going on, but they started him on antibiotics and are closely monitoring his breathing. He will probably have to stay in the hospital for the next 7 days.

Please pray for our Hudson! I still can't believe that this is happening and that we had to come home without him. I just want him home with us so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pray that the Lord would touch and heal his little body and that the doctors would be able to know exactly what's going on and how to treat it!

I'll do my best to keep you updated. Right now we are just needing your prayers!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

and he's here....

Please join us in welcoming our newest blessing...

Hudson Renwick

born at 3:19pm on 4/16

and weighed 7lbs 3 oz

Mommy and baby are doing well!!!

Tomorrow is the BIG day!

We are scheduled to be induced and we can't wait! Because it is an elected induction we have to wait for the hospital to call us (sometime between 5 and 8 am) and let us know if they have a room available. So we will wait for our call and then be on our way!!

I had a doctor appointment on Monday and all was well. The doctor checked me and told me that I was between 3 and 4 centimeters dilated. That was GREAT news. I am praying for a QUICK and easy delivery!!!!

I've spent the last few days getting ready and checking things off my to do list. Judging from the size of my list, you would think I was going to be gone for months. In all actuality, I am probably only going to be away from home for about 36 hours, but something in me wants everything to be just so.

I do have a few more things to get done today, but for the most part I am definitely READY! Today the plan is to just enjoy the day with my kids. We are heading to Monkey Joe's for a fun morning and then out to lunch with friends!
Maybe I can bounce this baby out before tomorrow =)!!!!
I can't wait to introduce you to baby Hudson tomorrow!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating our RISEN LORD... Easter 2009

Happy Easter 2009

We had a wonderful Easter!! We enjoyed a great morning at church, and then headed over to my parents house for Easter lunch.
We were so blessed to have Shane's grandparents and dad join us there too.
After lunch, we went to Shane's sisters house to celebrate my nieces one year old birthday! It was definitely a very busy, but fun-filled day!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful day
celebrating our RISEN LORD!!!

The three men in my life!

Me and my Sophie girl!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Friday night we surprised the kids with a trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop! Since both boys already have their own stuffed animal from Build-a Bear, we thought it would be fun for them to make a special animal for each one of their new siblings.
Riley decided that he would make one for Sophie and Corban would make one for Hudson.

Riley picked out this adorable bunny with pink floppy ears and a pink nose.

Corban picked out an adorable dog for Hudson.
( Please ignore the big piece of green chewing gum in his mouth.
Shane had just bought it for him out of the gumball machine!)

They got to record their own special message to go inside the paw of the animal! After recording their message, it was time to stuff the animal to their liking!

They also got to give it a heart, bath, and a good brushing.
Then it was off to find their animal the perfect outfit.

Riley picked out a pink shirt with a lamb on it! He also asked Shane if they had any pink hair bows?!?! He is so sweet. He knew if this animal was for Sophie then it would not be complete without a pink hair bow! Of course they did!

Corban wanted to deck his dog out in Panthers gear, but that was just a little too pricey for our budget, so he gladly settled for an 100% Huggable shirt instead.

Riley was so... excited to give his PINK bunny to Sophie!

He named it Sissy, which we thought was perfect!
Sophie LOVES her bunny!

Corban named his doggie Max, and decided that he would sleep with it
and keep it company until Hudson arrives later this week!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still Hoppin' Along!

Just thought I would update the blog and let you know that we are all still here and doing fine! We have been staying busy just... "doing life"!

Pregnancy update:

The doctor has scheduled me to be induced next Thursday, April 16th! We are so excited and counting down the days until we meet our Hudson!! Corban has spring break next week too, so we are planning a few fun things to do (in the beginning of the week) before the baby arrives!
Enjoy your Tuesday!!!